i am happy. :)

Well, I didn't take first place.  However, I couldn't be happier.  I was excited to be chosen at all, and then to be a finalist was fantastic.  My favorite thing about the entire contest was the feedback I got from Pioneer Woman herself.  It meant the world to me. I am going to take it as a sign that I just might be on the right track.  Thanks Pioneer Woman and thank you to all of those that shared this experience with me.  Love you all!!

 Aschwarck, this photo is glorious. The composition is awesome, the depth-of-field wonderful, and the focus terrific…but what I love is that you captured the horse’s spunky personality. And as a commenter pointed out, it does look like the horse is excited to see the photographer, and is running toward him/her. I just adore this shot. ~Pioneer Woman

PS-Update on Reba aka Princess...I saw her last night and she is now the proud momma of an adorable baby colt.  She and baby are doing great at my brother-in-law Tony's farm. Cal named the colt Bullseye. Of course(Toy Story). :)